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Book Chapter
The Emperor's New Clothes: Open Access & Intersectionality
Open Access is an important step in the direction of dismantling the hegemonic power structures that exist in traditional scholarly publishing but it cannot be hailed as a panacea for oppression. Without getting at the root causes of systemic race and gender-based discrimination in scholarly publishing and academia as a whole, Open Access cannot be considered intersectional or equitable.
This chapter seeks to answer a foundational question: Can marginalized people chart a path to visibility through OA as it currently stands, or has OA simply repackaged the traditional scholarly publishing power structure?
May 2019
Book Chapter
Encouraging Social Justice Professional Development
This chapter is intended to serve as a roadmap to instituting social justice training alongside your regular library staff development training. It recognizes that the best way to encourage globally-minded and culturally appropriate staff is to start from the top and let the corporate culture trickle down within the library.
It covers:
Bias, assumptions, and privilege
What to expect when implementing training
Practical methods and activities that you can use to mix social justice training with your regular library staff development training.

Pub. 2018
Making Library Websites Accessible: A Practical Guide for Librarians
This book introduces you to the health conditions and challenges that patrons face while accessing online information and the assistive technologies they use to overcome those challenges.
It also explains the basic HTML code that makes websites accessible and give you the tools you need to test websites for accessibility. There will be “Real-Life” and “What-If” scenarios in each chapter to help you understand what accessibility looks like in practice.

Pub. 2015
Book Chapter
Getting the Most Out of a Virtual Internship
To be competitive in the job marketplace, women must have tangible and related experience coming straight out of school. Internships have become a necessary stepping-stone required for formerly “entry-level” career positions. This chapter on virtual internships will discuss:
Common traits of telecommuting
A case-study of a current virtual intern program
Best practices to get the most out of a virtual internship
Tips to locate or start a virtual intern program

Book Chapter
Go Take a Hike: Reaching Student Athletes at Their Point of Need
This chapter speaks deeply and passionately about expanding the library’s influence (specifically to student-athletes and the athletic department). It discusses:
The specific needs of student-athletes, where they differ from regular students and where they coalesce
Three tools that you already have at your disposal for spreading your influence
Tips for finding new niches to prove the library’s worth